Monday, July 8, 2013


I’ve mentioned how this seems to be a year of changes.  So far I’ve changed cars and moved my Paso Fino to a new stable.  This month one of my best friends is leaving California for good and I don’t know when I’ll ever see her again.

 And now my sister is leaving too.  She is Reno-bound at the end of the summer, which means that this July 4th will probably be the last one we celebrate together.  It also means I have to find a new home for my Arab, Buddy, who currently lives at her Sun City ranch.

Please give me a moment while I sob uncontrollably.

OK, thanks, you're very kind. 

Anyway, Kyle and I spent a lovely July 4th afternoon with my family.  My sister, niece and I took a late afternoon ride on our horses 

Girl invasion. Coming to a neighborhood near you.

Cowgirl Calli. Note her cool socks.

Me and Buddy

Baaaaa. Look closely to the left and you will see a whole bunch of sheep! They kind of blend into the field but they really are there.  Really!

Meanwhile, the boys basked in the pool.  
Someone is about to get thrown in
I couldn’t help thinking that this might be our last ride together and our last big hurrah at her place.  I’m feeling nostalgic already.  
"I grill to please."


Of course there were all American burgers and dogs on the grill, then someone brought in a truckload of fireworks that were set off in the backyard.  It’s good to live in the country.   

We stood in the warm summer night watching in awe at the colorful displays right above our heads.   

They looked something like this (internet photo)

I sat on the back porch holding my lab, Chester’s ears closed.  The other dogs were cowering inside the house but Chester bravely sat beside me while I protected his ears.  This was certainly better than driving somewhere, hassling with traffic and having to peer over people’s heads to see the same thing.   

The horses in the back yard raced back and forth at first, startled by the popping sounds, but after a while they just stood in a corner looking at us, trying to figure out what the heck we were doing.

Humans are strange
Please stop trying to light each other on fire
 Pyrotechnic demonstrating his skills

It was such a delightful evening, we hated to leave.  I knew I wouldn’t see them for at least a month because they were driving to Reno at 4 AM the next morning to get things ready for their move.  With lots of hugs and fond farewells, we packed up the dogs and made the long drive home.  It was close to midnight and I was snuggled in my cozy bed thinking what a lovely evening it had been. 

That’s when Kyle burst my bubble when he walked into my room and said, “Mom, I left my wallet there!”