Sunday, March 31, 2013


Gassing up the RV and boat on the way to Lake Elsinore
We got a late start on our spur of the moment trip to Lake Elsinore.  My sister and her family led the way, towing their boat with their RV, and me following behind in my new truck, Ruby Red.  We didn’t pull into the campground until 9 PM, then had to drive around for an hour to find the perfect spot.  We were weary, but once we got settled in, it all seemed worth it.  The teenagers went fishing by the light of a full moon and the grownups sat in the RV enjoying adult beverages and conversation.
There was a beautiful big ring around the moon that my camera failed to capture
 The boys slept in the back of my car like manly men and I got to enjoy a real bed in the RV.  I had a bit of company too, male and female.  They hogged the bed but I can't complain because they kept me warm.

Sleeping with the dogs
The sun was pretty lazy making an appearance the next day, so it wasn’t until afternoon that we ventured out with the boat.  We spent the morning hanging out in the motor home.  I decided to make a trip to the restroom and asked the kids where it was.  They said to just go toward the dock and turn right but when I went outside, I stood uncertainly, not sure which way to go.  Suddenly over the RV intercom, came the  blaring voice of someone who shall remain nameless (my helpful nephew, Mitch).  “Diane, the bathroom is to your right.  Turn around and look to your right.”  He went on and on with his loud instructions and I smiled, pretending not to be embarrassed.  Then a very nice park ranger appeared in front of me and said, “Are you looking for the bathroom, Ma'am?”  OK, it was official.  I was embarrassed beyond words.  Just then the RV horn started honking loudly.  Not just a short little toot, mind you, but  an obnoxious HOOOOOOONK that seemed to last forever.  I found out later that Kyle was laughing so hard at my humiliation that he fell forward onto the horn. Apparently he had fallen and couldn't get up.

The park ranger politely pointed me towards the bathroom, which by the way, was NOT to the right.  I prayed to become invisible but now people in cars driving by and a lady walking her dog were all smiling at me knowingly.  I lowered my head and hunched my shoulders in shame, glaring at the RV window.  Feeling like Quasimodo swinging through the bell tower, I lurched toward my destination.  

Quasimodo. Photo from the internet. Not really me.

Ruby Red pulling the boat

That's my car pulling us in the boat. Gotta be proud. Oh yeah, that's my son. Proud of him too.
We used Ruby Red to launch the boat.  Mitch backed my truck down the launch ramp while I sat in the boat watching nervously and wringing my hands.  “Um, is my truck supposed to be in the water like that??”  But Mitch knew what he was doing.  His dad has taught him well.

This is my brother in law, Bill. He loves his family, boats, and his Basset Hound, Sadie.
This was the first time my dogs had been on a boat.  My Retriever, Chelsea, was a nervous mess.  She’s just high strung, always has been, and I gave her a Dramamine to take the edge off.  Chester looked pretty nervous too, but Chester is Chill.  He just handles things a little more calmly.  (Unless he sees another dog, but that’s another story.)
Take a chill pill, Chelsea

We motored to the other side of the lake and found a quiet cove.  Chairs were plopped on the beach, a CD played party music, and lunch was served.  Nothing better than a restaurant on the water.  
The family that sails together...

I like this place. I like it a lot.

Kyle has abs!

Life is good.....Ommmmmm

Calli went for a run and all the dogs followed her.  She looked like a trainer at the San Diego Zoo.  My two big dogs romped happily after her, along with their Chihuahua, Pomeranian and Basset Hound.  

Just do what I do

Come on, Chelsea, the water's fine (Chelsea's not so sure)

Mitch had a jet ski and entertained us, showing off his skills.  Then he gave lessons to his sister, Calli, and my son, Kyle.

My nephew, Mitch, Star Athlete

Not sure if Mitch is teaching Kyle to be a zombie or to jet ski. Chester's not sure either. He's outta there.

Go Kyle Go!

My niece is a Pro!

Chester kept a constant vigil in the water and on the beach.  He seemed very concerned when he couldn’t see the kids on the jet ski and trotted down the beach to see where they were.  When the jet ski came toward shore, he swam out to help it find its way in.  He was my hero dog all afternoon, making sure everyone was safe. 

Which way did they go??

"Follow me!"
"Don;t go too far!"

Everyone OK up there on the boat?

And now for a Basset Hound moment

Sadie thinks she's a lap dog

The sun was nice and warm sitting on that shore, but when we headed back on the boat, the wind kicked up, making us uncomfortably cold.  My sister and I sat in the back of the boat and pulled blankets around us.  Then the white caps started splashing water over the boat, drenching us.  Now we were really cold and miserable.  We all screamed at Bill, thinking he was doing it on purpose.  (He’s been known to do that in the past, but only on hot summer days.)  It wasn’t his fault, though, and there was “nothing he could do”.  (That’s an inside joke that only my sister will get.  I’ll explain another time.)  I huddled down on the floor which was now soaking wet and Laura covered our heads with a big blanket.  I couldn’t see anything anymore, huddled in my makeshift tent, but I could hear the waves slapping the sides of the boat, and splashing on the blanket which was right over my head!  All the dogs were huddled under the blanket with us.  They were uncomfy too!  The ride back sure seemed to take a lot longer than the ride out.  I was happy when the splashing stopped and peeked daringly out of my covers to see that we were drifting by the dock.  Whew.  We were all soaked and shivering and couldn’t wait to get back to the campground to change into something dry and warm.

Bill is a master griller and made us some delicious BBQ chicken.  My sister, niece and I made a dessert that was the absolute bomb.  It was a brownie s’more.  Picture a hot, gooey brownie topped with a Reese’s peanut butter cup and a golden, roasted marshmallow on top of that!  My mouth is watering just thinking about it.  Sorry, have to go now.  I’m hungry.


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