Monday, November 5, 2012


While I prefer to go horseback riding with my friends, I often ride solo through the Ramona Grasslands.  This is a beautiful ride I can take from the stable which winds up a narrow trail in the hills with breathtaking views.

Here we are on top of the world.

Forever views...
 Manicured trails circle you around the Grasslands.  

Scotch and I do this ride so often we could probably get there with our eyes closed.  At least I could.  Scotch knows the way, so I don’t have to pay attention.

HI COWS!  See my previous post to know why this is funny.
Wait...Did you just call me a COW?  Seriously??

 This is hard core evidence of the rattlers we run into every Spring.  This guy was ginormous! (love that word). Scotch has been known to climb on top of a boulder, wrenching my back in the process, and has broken my hand, all in an effort to flee these lovely reptiles.

 Yes, the '07 fire passed this way too.  This is also the spot where I ran into two (2) rattlers, one right after the other, in one afternoon.  Actually, within minutes of each other.  So exciting, so much fun...

This is on the way back home.

Oh look!  My shadow!

I forgot to take a picture of Scotch’s favorite house.  He always stops at the top of the hill and stares wistfully at the beautiful blue house sitting on some major acreage with a huge fenced yard. . I think he has hopes of living there some day.  Gotta have a dream...


  1. LMAO "Hi Cows"
    Only you Diane, only YOU!
    These pictures of your ride are awesome, minus the snakes! "EWE"

  2. Yes, your photos do look good. Coming from a photography instructor you should be proud.
